Thursday, December 3, 2009

Index Value Plot

The index value plot does not plot an absolute number. All plotted values are relative to the index value. This map shows the index value for streamflow in North Carolina.

Lorenz Curve

Lorenz Curve is a graph that shows economic quantities. The straight line shows perfect equality and the two other lines shows the relationship between income and population for 2000/01 and 2005/06.

Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix displays the correlation between all pairs of data sets. It shows statistic relationships between two or more random variables.

Box Plot

A box plot graphically depicts groups of data through a five number series. This box plot displays the difference in population between five countries.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Triangular Plot

This triangular plot shows various slip allocations between three Aleutian sources. It uses color to show intensity.

Scatter Plot

This scatter plot shows the relation between husband's age and wife's age. Each observation is shown as a dot.

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Parallel Coordinate Plot have variables graphed on the vertical axis. Data elements are plotted as a connecting set of points.

Star Plot\

Star plots display multivariate data. The length of the line measures intensity. It helps display a lot of information easily.

Similarity Matrix

A similarity matrix shows scores that have similarity between two data points. It uses color for distinction and sometimes called the matrixP.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and Leaf plot shows quantitive data in a graphical format. It is a method for organizing numerical data.

Wind Rose

A wind rose is a diagram that summarizes direction and speed of wind in a certain location. This wind rose is based on time.


A climograph is a depiction of the monthly precipitation and temperatures of a particular area. This climograph is shows the temperature and precipitation in Walgett, Australia.

Population Profile

Population profile shows the number of people as a function of their ages. It can be considered a map because it displays readable information.

Black and White Aerial Map

Black and white aerial photographs is sensitive to the same wave lengths of the human eye. This map can be used for hunting purposes to see where certain animals will be located.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Digital Raster Graphics

The DRG uses a scanned image from the USGS standard series topographic map. It uses a UTM projection and georeferences the Earth.

Digital Line Graph

The DLG uses digital vector data. It can include a wide range of factors from topography to boundaries to roads. Map features are displayed by lines, points, and areas.

Digital Orthographic Quarter-Quads

The DOQQ is an aerial photograph that includes geometric qualities of a map. It displays true position which allows for more accurate measurement.

Digital Elevation Models

The DEM is a digital representation of the elevation of terrains. It uses a raster format to display data. It is used often in GIS.

USGS Topo Map

The USGS topo map displays 7.5 minutes of latitude and 7.5 minutes of longitude of a four-sided area. It includes UTM and State plane coordinates. This is a USGS topo map of an area in New Hampshire.

Bivariate choropleth map

A bivariate map displays two variables on a map. This map shows the census of people.

Classes Choropleth Map

Classes cloropleth maps portrays data broken down into intervals. It can be broken down into intervals using equal steps, quantile, natural breaks, or minimal variance. This map is broken down using equal steps.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Social Network Map

Social Network Map is a map that shows the social structure of nodes that are connected by a type of interdependency. It is a type of radial flow map. This map shows the connection of social internet websites.

traffic flow map

Traffic can be displayed using a flow map. This map shows traffic in Spokane.

Non proportional point symbol dot density map

Non proportional point symbol dot density map's dots don't vary in size. Each dot represents 100,000. This map shows the hispanic population in the United States.

Proportional point symbol Dot Density Map

Proportional point symbol Dot Density Map's dots varies in size. The size of the dot depends on the measured variable. This map shows the hispanic population in the United States.

Geopotential Map

Geopotential height maps are a type of contour map. It shows the elevation of a given air pressure. This map uses colors and contour lines to display the information.


Isobar maps are a type of contour map. It shows air pressure. This map shows the air pressure of the United States.

Isotach map

Isotach maps are a type of contour map. It shows wind speed. This map uses colors to display the wind speed.


Isopach maps is a type of contour map. It shows rock or sediment thickness.


An isohyet map is a type of contour map. It shows the amount of rainfall in an area.

Bathymetric map

Bathymetric maps show sea floor elevation. It is a type of contour map.

Hypsometric Map

A hypsometric map is a surface map that shows relief in 3-D. The 3-D variable doesn't always show relief. This map shows relief using color, shaping, and raised relief.


LIDAR uses laser pulses and GPS to develop detailed images of Earth's surface. This map shows a city and it's buildings. It helps to determine distance to an object.

Geological Map

Geological maps is a special purpose map used to show geological features. This particular map uses colors to show the difference of rocks and soil.

Weather Forecasting map

Weather forecasting maps are another type of special purpose map. It shows the meteorological conditions of the United States at a specific time.

Historical Map!Historical-map-of-Sicily-bjs-1.jpg&imgrefurl=

Historical maps are a special purpose map. It shows a map from the past.

Statistic Map

Statistical maps shows a variation in quantity of a certain factor. This particular map shows the variation of rainfall.


A cartogram is a map that uses a thematic variable is substituted for land area. The map is distorted to portray the variable.

State Plan Coordinate System

Each state has a different coordinate system, this map shows California's coordinate system. State coordinate systems use feet, not meters.


PLSS maps covers most of the United States except the 13 original colonies and Texas. Everything else is considered "unsystematic". It has 34 principal meridians and baselines.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral maps show boundaries and land ownership. It uses the metes and bounds system.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Doppler Radar

A doppler radar map uses microwaves to track direction and speed of suspended water in the atmosphere and determines the motion. This is a doppler radar of a hurricane over the west coast of Florida.

Infrared Aerial Map

Aerial maps are satellite or airplane based. This is an infrared aerial map which uses a film emulsion that is sensitive to the infrared spectrum.

Flow Maps

A flow map shows linear movement from one place to another. The thicker the lines on the map the more the proportions. This map shows the freight flow in the US.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Isoline Map

Isoline maps show numerical values for continuous distributions by means of lines joining

points of equal value. This map shows annual run-off of a certain area.

Chloropleth Map

Chloropleth maps summarize the distribution of a factor based on boundary lines. This map shows population densities of countries of the world.

Thematic Dot Map

Thematic maps show information superimposed over a base map. This specific map is a dot map. It is used to create a visual idea of the variation in the density of distribution.

Topographic Map

This map uses contour lines to portray the shape and elevation of the land. The closer the lines the steeper the elevation. It creates a 3 dimensional aspect of land on a 2 dimensional map.

Planimetric Map

Planimetric maps don't show relief features. This certain planimetric maps shows streets.

Mental Map

The map shows a person's abstract representation of this certain place. This person's mental map included buildings, landscapes, and even places that scare them.
